Solusi Kambing Aqiqah dan Qurban
Di bulan haji ini, hewan sapi, kambing, kerbau dan sebagainya menjadi hewan yang diperebutkan. Terjadinya perebutan ini wajar,karena meningkatnya permintaan, yakni untuk keperluan qurban dan aqiqah. Apalagi, untuk dua keperluan diperlukan hewan yang memenuhi syarat.
11.51.00 | Label: pendakwah | 25 Comments
7 words of wisdom from imams shafii
Musnad shaafa'i Vol 1 arranged by Muhammad Sayyid Al-Lihan and Hayat Syaiban Al-Ladaqi outlines 7 Wisdom and Word-Word to the wise shaafa'i:
- Demanding more science than the main prayer traditions.
- Whoever desires of the world, he must be armed with science and whoever wants hereafter, should also be armed with knowledge.
- There is no practice more perfect after implementing obligations than study.
- A person will not be successfully sue science based on power and pride, but it will only be successfully prosecute with endeavor, pressure, life science and being subservient to humility.
- Learn before lead. Because when the lead is no longer the way to learn.
- Whoever study, then be careful so as not to waste the smallest part of science.
- A person who does not love the science will not gain favor and do not have a close relationship with science itself and knowledge.
06.40.00 | Label: pendakwah | 68 Comments
Kaitan shalat dengan harta, tahta dan wanita
Perintah shalat turun setelah terjadinya isra' mi'raj. Sebelum isra' mi'raj telah terjadi beberapa peristiwa yang sangat menyedihkan dan memprihatinkan, yakni :
1. Pemboikotan terhadap Bani Hasyim dan Bani Abdul Muthalib.
2. Meninggalnya Siti Khadijah.
3. Meninggalnya Abu Thalib.
Peristiwa pemboikotan tersebut dapat diartikan sebagai kehilangan ekonomi (harta).Peristiwa meninggalnya Siti Khadijah, istri Rasulullah sebagai kehilangan wanita. Peristiwa meninggalnya Abu Thalib, paman rasulullah, seseorang yang memiliki kedudukan tinggi dalam masyarakat Quraisy yang selalu melindungi rasulullah sebagai kehilangan tahta.
Shalat sangat berkaitan dengan Isra' Mi'raj. Jika Isra' Mi'raj dijalankan rasulullah setelah kehilangan harta,tahta dan wanita, maka umumnya kita akan khusyuk dalam shalat apabila kehilangan salah satu tersebut. Bahkan tidak jarang mencucurkan air mata. Sayangnya, hanya pada saat kehilangan tersebutlah, shalat dengan mencucurkan air mata kita lakukan. Tetapi, pada saat-saat biasa, wallahu alam bissawab.
09.33.00 | Label: pendakwah | 33 Comments
Two kinds of Prayers
Today I read eBooks mardibross ( Ebook with the title of Solemnity is easy given the foreword by Ustadz Abu Sangkan. In introduction, Abu Sangkan says there are two types of the prayer, the prayer that is done by the believers and the prayer that is done by the hypocrites.
Prayers of the believers. Prayers of the believers is the prayer that is done with solemnity. Evidence, QS Al Mukminun verses 1-2.
It's fortunate people believe, that in his prayer is performed with a session now '.
Prayer hypocrites. Prayer hypocrites is the prayer that is done without solemnity. Evidence, QS nisaa paragraph 142.
Real people that cheat God hypocritical, and God would also be countered the hoax. Them when performing prayers do by feeling lazy, and they are not seriously in remembering God except only a little.
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03.51.00 | Label: pendakwah, televisi | 17 Comments