Two kinds of Prayers

Today I read eBooks mardibross ( Ebook with the title of Solemnity is easy given the foreword by Ustadz Abu Sangkan. In introduction, Abu Sangkan says there are two types of the prayer, the prayer that is done by the believers and the prayer that is done by the hypocrites.

Prayers of the believers. Prayers of the believers is the prayer that is done with solemnity. Evidence, QS Al Mukminun verses 1-2.

It's fortunate people believe, that in his prayer is performed with a session now '.

Prayer hypocrites. Prayer hypocrites is the prayer that is done without solemnity. Evidence, QS nisaa paragraph 142.

Real people that cheat God hypocritical, and God would also be countered the hoax. Them when performing prayers do by feeling lazy, and they are not seriously in remembering God except only a little.

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17 komentar:

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mw minta ijin,
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Ghobro mengatakan...

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btw..saya kayak pernah kenal dgn ust.Abu Sangkan.. apa nama asli beliau Salim Bahresy ya..

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