Changing domain again
Concerning the existence of overlapping subdomains with, then with forced this subdomain is converted into That is, GIP starting from scratch again.
This entry was posted on 04.02.00
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55 komentar:
Hi i have't the same problem, i change my domain 2 thimes :) its frustrating i now:))
apa ngga pengaruh ama PR?
Love the article, but I found myself having to re-read it several times as the text doesn't seem to flow smoothly. For example "but still fundamentally visibly patched up". The smoothest paragraph is the last. An enjoyable read.
I wanna say .. I really like reading your blog..more learn about this..thanks sharing your knowledge
That's too bad you had to change your domain. It really stinks when that happens. It just goes to show that it is a really good idea to thoroughly research a domain name before you choose it.
Great job on writing this article. I enjoyed reading it! I will keep coming back to read more of your future posts. Thanks!
It's always a pain to switch domains. good luck...
Great job on writing this article. I enjoyed reading it! I will keep coming back to read more of your future posts. Thanks!
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salam kenal...blogwalking
Great job! change domain again. great job!
Very nice posted article you've shared to your readers. Hope to see more updates coming from your blog in the next coming days. Keep it up the good work.
Whats great in this article?
It sounds great. Good insight.
spammer go to hell
You should still redirect your old domain to your new one to preserve the link power.
what is the best site hosting to buy domain?
hmm ganti domain trus
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This is existing problem faced all domain users.I agree this can be overview by converting sub domain into
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This is the usual problem which we usually encountered. Its really annoying if this happen.
I have experienced this kind of problem and it really frustrated me.
Want to say your article is outstanding. The clarity in your post is simply striking and I can assume you are an expert on this field. Thanks a lot and please keep up the effective work.
Wow that is really great information and you have delivered your point well! keep it up!
I was wondering if there's any solution to this problem.
Hope this issue would be resolved once and for all.
Good thing this issue was brought up.
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